SCALE Maintenance for SaaS Solutions

Basic maintenance is included for all SaaS solutions provided by SCALE where a monthly subscription fee is charged. Basic maintenance includes a range of services to ensure the software remains functional, up-to-date, and effective in meeting the needs of the healthcare provider or management service organization (MSO).

Maintenance includes:

  • Corrective maintenance: Regularly identify and fix software bugs or glitches that may affect the software’s functionality. This includes technical support to address and resolve user-reported issues.
  • Updates and upgrades: Regular updates, including improvements, product enhancements, and optimizations as defined by Scale’s product roadmap. Scale reserves the right to segment out major upgrades, including but not limited to new dashboards, predictive analytics, and AI, as a separate offering. Customer enhancement requests will be considered but the addition to the roadmap is at the sole discretion of Scale’s product team.
  • Preventative maintenance: Performance monitoring, redundancy, security management, compliance updates
  • User Training and documentation: Retaining up–to–date material that describes the usage of Scale analytics and providing training when significant changes are implemented.

An error/bug is an incorrect or unexpected outcome compared to the outcomes Scale’s user guide defines. This may be caused by a software bug or an issue related to data ingestion.

Urgent issues or bugs that leave critical capabilities in the system unusable will be resolved within 24 hours.  Data issues/discrepancies will be researched, and findings will be provided within 48 hours.  All other bugs will be addressed through our normal release process.

Relevant Products: SCALE Analytics, SCALE Automation

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